Adverse Childhood Experiences Impact Us More Than We Might Think

Adverse Childhood Experiences can have a major impact on behavior and physical and mental health. The experiences one walks through as a child can affect development. Additionally, untreated trauma from adverse childhood experiences can present throughout one’s lifetime.

While it is true that some adverse experiences can build resiliency in children, often times untreated trauma can lead to major issues throughout childhood and into adulthood. Adverse experiences include, but are not limited to, the way a person was spoken to as a child by a parent, whether a person experienced physical or sexual abuse, whether a person felt loved or encouraged, whether a person experienced the divorce or separation of their parents, whether a person had a family member who was incarcerated, and whether a person had a parent who was addicted to drugs or alcohol or suffered from any mental disorders.

The first eighteen years of a person’s life are critical to development. At any given point, if that development is delayed or interrupted by any number of external factors, there could be a delayed response development resulting in behavioral and physical and mental health problems, including adopting coping mechanisms.

Please know that you are not alone! According to the CDC, about 61% of adults surveyed across 25 states reported that they had experienced at least one type of ACE, and nearly 1 in 6 reported they had experienced four or more types of ACEs. (


The first step to assessing your ACE Score is to take the questionnaire.

The most important thing to remember is that the ACE score is meant as a guideline: If you experienced other types of toxic stress over months or years, then those would likely increase your risk of health consequences.

Prior to your 18th birthday:

  1. Did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often… Swear at you, insult you, put you down, or humiliate you? or Act in a way that made you afraid that you might be physically hurt?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  2. Did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often… Push, grab, slap, or throw something at you? or Ever hit you so hard that you had marks or were injured?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  3. Did an adult or person at least 5 years older than you ever… Touch or fondle you or have you touch their body in a sexual way? or Attempt or actually have oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  4. Did you often or very often feel that … No one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special? or Your family didn’t look out for each other, feel close to each other, or support each other?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  5. Did you often or very often feel that … You didn’t have enough to eat, had to wear dirty clothes, and had no one to protect you? or Your parents were too drunk or high to take care of you or take you to the doctor if you needed it?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  6. Were your parents ever separated or divorced?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  7. Was your mother or stepmother:
    Often or very often pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at her? or Sometimes, often, or very often kicked, bitten, hit with a fist, or hit with something hard? or Ever repeatedly hit over at least a few minutes or threatened with a gun or knife?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  8. Did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic, or who used street drugs?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  9. Was a household member depressed or mentally ill, or did a household member attempt suicide?                        No___If Yes, enter 1 __
  10. Did a household member go to prison?
    No___If Yes, enter 1 __

Now add up your “Yes” answers: _ This is your ACE Score

Remember, the higher your score, the more likely you may be at risk.

If you need to speak with someone, please know our psychiatrists are available to conduct an initial psychiatric evaluation to help start you on your road to recovery and healing. We have a team of medical doctors, including addiction specialists, nurses, and licensed counselors who also want the best for you. To find an office closest to you, please call 844-728-4929. We help people and we want to help you.

Depression and Sadness and Your Recovery

Do you feel extreme sadness despite great accomplishments or disappointments in your life?Depression is a serious mental illness that goes untreated. It’s hard to know how to deal with depression and sadness, alone.


Have you ever heard someone say, “If you would get out of the house then you wouldn’t be depressed anymore?” This is ironic because a symptom of depression is a lack of motivation. I am a person in long term recovery which means I have not used a mood or mind-altering chemical in years. I have suffered from depression my entire life. 


As a child, I remember feeling alone, sad and scared. I recall going to the skating rink with friends and it was so much fun. I remember skating and this horrible feeling of doom came over me. I felt that I wasn’t good enough to be having fun. 


The first time I drank alcohol I vividly remember that I felt “enough.” I felt ease, happiness and felt like I belonged. I self-medicated my depression with alcohol and other drugs throughout my teen years. The progression of my alcoholism soon began to actually make my depression worse. I wasn’t drinking anymore for relief and fun but to be able to function in daily life. 


A typical day for me was: wake up and take diet pills for energy, take opiate pain killers throughout the day for energy, drink immediately after work to relax, and then take Xanax at bedtime to be able to relax and sleep. 


I began my journey of recovery in my early 20’s. I was told by another member in a twelve-step fellowship that if you work the steps then you wouldn’t need an antidepressant. I suffered for years in sobriety because I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that causes my depression. I was 15 years sober, working in a treatment facility, suicide prevention specialist, and planning my own death by suicide. I felt ashamed and like I was a failure. I am so grateful that another member of the fellowship reached out to me and suggested I go get professional help and treatment for my depression. 


Feeling Sad and Being Depressed

There is a huge difference between feeling sad and being depressed. 

Sadness is a feeling typically involving loss or expectations not met. 

Depression is a prolonged state of sadness that has symptoms. Here are some common symptoms: 

  • Tiredness
  • trouble focusing or concentrating anger
  • Irritability
  • Frustration
  • loss of interest in pleasurable or fun activities
  • sleep issues (too much or too little)
  • no energy
  • craving unhealthy foods
  • anxiety
  • isolation

“It’s not a sin to be sick.” Depression is a brain/mood disorder. I did not choose to have depression and I can’t stay well if I don’t get medical treatment and counseling.  

Many people believe that depression is a sign of weakness but I disagree. I believe people that suffer from depression are very strong because they continue to trudge through daily activities when they want to give up. Will power doesn’t “cure” depression. 


Depression is Not the End

A medical professional can treat the imbalance of brain chemicals and a counselor can help with new coping skills. The co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous suffered tremendously from depression prior to and during his sobriety. Many people suffer, but you don’t have to suffer alone. We are fortunate to have the medications and support services that we do today. 

Please do not suffer alone! There are professionals and peers who know what you are going through, that are more than willing to help you on your pathway to recovery and happy life. There is hope!


By: Kimberley Lamar ADC, ICADC, CRSS

Pathway Healthcare Recovery Navigator


What Makes Cocaine and Methamphetamine so Dangerous?

Cocaine and methamphetamine will cause an individual to seem extremely alert and have increased energy along with increased heart rate and blood pressure.

I remember the first person I encountered as a doctor in the Med ER who was on cocaine. It was the mid-1990s in Memphis, and people came to the ER every night with chest pain, very high blood pressure, sometimes even heart attacks or strokes. 

The woman I saw was screaming. She had smoked crack. Crying, she told me she had sold her baby for crack. She held her chest. Her blood pressure was over 200 systolic and over 100 diastolic. Her heart rate was somewhere near 150 beats per minute. I thought she was going to grab my coat, she was so intensely agitated. We admitted her to the hospital to the cardiac ICU. She was alert, energetic, and had a racing heart as well as a dangerously high blood pressure.

Methamphetamine causes similar changes. My patients frequently use meth to give them the energy to go to work. Energy. This is a huge need. It needs to not be underestimated.

We need alertness and energy. 

Cocaine and Methamphetamine are both stimulants, even though they have different mechanisms of action. Some of the brain chemicals they stimulate are:

  • Norepinephrine/epinephrine
  • Glutamate
  • Dopamine
  • Serotonin
  • Acetylcholine
  • And there are more

These chemicals are all healthy, normal, and needed chemicals in our brains. We rely on these chemicals to get up in the morning, feel motivated to go to work, take care of kids, and to take care of our own lives. We need these chemicals to continue our normal everyday functions.

Cocaine and methamphetamine raise the levels of stimulating neurochemicals that raise our heart rate and blood pressure. 

Norepinephrine and epinephrine are part of our sympathetic nervous system They are stimulated when our body knows we need our blood pressure higher or our heart rate faster.

Unfortunately, cocaine or methamphetamine may stimulate these chemicals more than our bodies need, resulting in heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, or a racing heart.

Cocaine and methamphetamine raise the neurochemicals that cause alertness and energy.

Glutamate helps us learn and feel invigorated. If it’s too high, a person can have seizures. But we need glutamate to do our work and go to school.

Serotonin gives an energetic, happy feeling. Well-being. Cocaine especially stimulates serotonin.

Dopamine gives a rewarded, motivated feeling. We need this to do anything. To meet our goals. To go to the grocery. To work. We need this for movement. The way cocaine and methamphetamine stimulate this neurotransmitter makes these chemicals addictive.

It’s hard to quit cocaine and methamphetamine.

In fact, it is probably too hard for you to do alone. We know that.

Before you do something you cannot change, come and let us help you. We know you have needs below the addiction. It’s not because you are bad. Come in and let us sort it out with you.

Make an appointment today with one of our addiction specialists. We help people without judgment. Call 1-844-728-4929

The Most Important Thing for You to Do for Your Sobriety During Tough Times

Couple Staying Sober in Hard Times

Keeping Your Sobriety When Life is Tough

One of the biggest challenges people face is when things in life get hard. Things like COVID-19, or when family crises arise, when financial hiccups happen, when career and job life is stressful, it can be difficult for people dealing with addiction for several reasons. Stress is a time that our minds want to protect us and for or us to seek comfort, this is the time we fall back into old habits. Even when you have the best intentions, it can be a challenge to maintain your sobriety. During times of stress, it’s easy to feel lonely and seek out old comforts and unhealthy habits.

You can make it through these testing times clean and sober and feel great about your accomplishment. Here are some tips for staying sober when life gets tough.

Schedule Your Appointments

It’s always important to manage your time and be intentional about how you choose to spend it, and this becomes even more important when you’re working on staying sober. When you are feeling down or stressed out, think about things that you can do to help you move out of that feeling and focus on something positive, from touching base with a sober friend or taking a walk to be in nature.

Scheduling your appointments is helpful for several reasons. Not knowing what you’ll be doing from day to day can be stressful. Make a plan to secure an appointment to take care of yourself first.

Schedule Time to Meet with a Counselor 

Of all the things you’ll schedule, the most important thing you can do is to make time to meet with your counselor these meetings give you a chance to get something off your chest that you need to talk about, address any troublesome feelings you may be having, and discuss ways to make it through hard times with your sobriety intact.

Remember that your time is precious and that you should be selfish with it. Making time to take care of yourself and protect your sobriety means keeping regular appointments with your counselor. They are equipped to help you with a wide range of issues you may encounter in life, which many fail to overcome. Life can be tough at times and stressful for many people, even those who aren’t fighting addiction. It’s essential throughout the year to actively work on your sobriety, but it’s non-negotiable during hard times.

Commit to Keep Your Appointments

Scheduling appointments is one thing; keeping them is something else. Work on managing your time and schedule so that you keep your essential engagements, such as meeting with your counselor. It can be easy to cast plans aside when they conflict with our current emotions and energy levels, and, to be sure, there are times when we should listen to our bodies and rest instead of forcing ourselves to go out.

However, in many cases, we don’t want to do the things we know will help us in the long run. Plan to attend your counseling sessions, spend time with sober friends, and take time alone for personal reflection. Recognize that, even if you don’t feel like doing these things at the moment, they can help you feel better, change your perspective, and gain ground when it comes to staying sober.

Never Be Too Busy for You 

Many people find themselves with hectic schedules or navigating rough patches in life. You may suddenly realize that you have something planned every night of the week for the next month. If so, you might want to rethink your obligations.

First, consider which of these situations might be triggering for you. For example, If your co-workers all drink at the office party, then you might want to avoid that situation unless you’re sure it won’t be too tempting for you. If you have a family dinner scheduled with a relative who triggers you to drink or use drugs, realize that it’s okay to make an excuse and bow out.

Another reason to manage your social calendar wisely is that if you are consistently busy entertaining or attending other people’s functions, you won’t have enough time to take care of yourself and your own needs. When it comes to recovery, self-care is everything. Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and do the things that nourish your spirit, whether that means journaling, meditating, spending time in nature, or taking a long hot bath and curling up with a good book or a favorite TV show.

About Pathway Healthcare® 

At Pathway Healthcare, we understand that addiction and other substance use disorders are all different and that everyone’s experience is unique. We offer highly effective, lasting treatments for addiction and dependence using scientifically-proven methods in a professional, supportive outpatient setting. We hope the tips for staying sober during these tough times are helpful, and we encourage you to contact us if you are struggling with addiction. We’re here to help.

Principle of 5: 5 Things to Do in Recovery Every Day

How to choose a rehab facilityHow to Plan a Successful Recovery 

When it comes to working with a certified addiction counselor on your recovery, you’ll quickly learn that it’s more than just avoiding alcohol or drugs; it’s about replacing alcohol and drugs with positive things that give your life meaning and help you stay happy and healthy. One of the challenges of recovery is that you may find yourself with more free time than you were expecting – time you used to fill with your substance of choice. There are many different types of rehab facilities, and they will all agree on the importance to fill this time with healthy new habits. It may take some time, but practice indeed does make perfect when it comes to the Rule of 5.

The Rule of 5 is simple.  Set a goal for yourself to do five activities every single day; they are fundamental to your recovery success. These specific activities do not have to be the same for everyone. One person might choose to read, write, think, file, and learn something new – every day. With practice, you’ll discover which five things are the most important to your unique sobriety. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

1) Self-Care + Honesty 

Many people who struggle with addiction tend to neglect their true needs. You may have been eating an unhealthy diet, neglecting exercise, or dealing with high levels of stress. To combat these issues, spend some time every day doing something that improves your overall well-being – take a walk or a warm bath, get a massage, or try a new healthy recipe. During your self-care time, reflect with honesty about where you currently stand and what you need to not only continue your recovery but to thrive and achieve your goals.

2) Prayer + Meditation 

Prayer and meditation are essential forms of mindfulness that we can practice to help us be present and focus on both ourselves and our spiritual relationships. Take the time each day to be introspective and listen to yourself while reaching out consciously through prayer and meditation.  These practices are known to help reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, increase self-confidence, and generally help us to understand ourselves better and reflect on the situations we put ourselves in and why we respond to them the way we do.

3) Accountability

One of the reasons that seeing a certified addiction counselor is so important is that it adds accountability to our recovery plan. Overcoming addiction is a challenge, and participants can often find it hard to feel connected to other people. You need accountability to live a truly healthy and free lifestyle. Make sure that you have family members, a center of influence,  friends, and counselors you can trust to help hold you accountable for your thoughts and actions. This support can help you stay on track by focusing on the things that matter.

4) Giving (Random Acts of Kindness) 

When you’re in recovery, it’s not just essential to take care of yourself – it’s important to give to others as well. Recovery is a gift; you can make it a priority to give back as one of the things you spend time on every day. You’re giving back might take the form of things that benefit other people dealing with addiction (such as leading group meetings, volunteering to help with meeting logistics, or providing a listening ear and moral support for another person fighting addiction) or it may be something unrelated (volunteering at a soup kitchen, spending time at a local senior living community, or helping out with a local animal shelter or rescue group), serving others helps you take your mind off yourself and feel good about giving back.

5) Gratefulness

Whether you’re just now figuring out how to choose a rehab facility or you are years into your recovery, it’s always a good time to be grateful. Acknowledging the blessings and gifts in your life and consciously giving thanks for them is a necessary action for happiness, contentment, and maintaining a healthy view of yourself and the world around you. Feeling thankful does not depend on what you have or what you own; instead, it’s about having a positive outlook and finding things to be grateful for in any situation. Keep a gratitude journal, and every day, jot down at least one thing you’re thankful for, no matter how small.

About Pathway Healthcare® 

If you are struggling with addiction and in need of help, you may be researching how to choose a rehab facility. There are many types of rehab facilities, and it’s important to choose the right one for you. At Pathway Healthcare®, we treat people with addiction every day in a professional doctor’s office setting. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment; we treat each patient individually with a plan tailored to fit their unique needs. We accept Medicaid and Medicare in AL and TN locations to make effective, affordable care available to as many people as possible. If you are facing addiction and are ready for real help – the kind that can change your life for good – contact us today.

What Does High-Quality Addiction Treatment Look Like? 

The most cost-effective, humane, and efficient way to provide medical care involves providing holistic, evidence-based care to people who need it from the start. It’s vital to view health and address illness from the get-go, rather than to play “catch-up” on the back end after disease processes have become more advanced, more complicated, and more difficult to treat. This includes addiction treatment and substance use disorder.shutterstock_563758000

1. Treating addiction for what it is – a disorder.

There is no place for shame and blame in addiction treatment but the use of strategies to enhance engagement and retention is among patients is highly important. These strategies include creating an atmosphere of mutual trust through clear communication and transparency of program rules, regulations, and expectations, along with respect among patients and the doctors and staff.

2. Treatment should begin with an assessment.

Reliable and valid screening for a range of substance use disorders and related conditions, as well as any physical or mental health conditions, is necessary for the assessment and treatment. Treatment should take a holistic approach rather than treating just one symptom – the physical addiction. From mind to body treatment should consider all factors in a person’s life and wellbeing for the best success.

3. A holistic integrated approach.

What seems to be a new concept in the world of addiction treatment is the concept of treating addiction and substance use disorder as a chronic disease, which it is. A medical model applied to the treatment of addiction is a powerful way to treat those in need of help. Addictive disorders also consist of a multitude of co-occurring conditions such as physical addiction, mental health, and medical problems and any program should assess and address these pieces of the patient’s life and wellbeing.

4. Continued care.

A doctor has a role in the maintenance of functional recovery, after the detox. Detox is not the end of the road. Essential recovery care includes the support necessary to support the patient after they leave the program or transition from the initial phase of recovery. Programs that strongly emphasize this continuing care aspect will help patients continue on their path to recovery. This is more than just a list of phone numbers, but rather an active role in assisting the patient to seek resources within their community to continue on-going care with providers, peer support, and any other resources need to continue recovery.

5. A dignified and respectful environment.

A supportive environment that treats the patient as just that – a patient. Just like one would be treated if they were seeking treatment for other chronic conditions and diseases. Respect and professionalism are key to the success of a patient’s recovery, without that the courage and confidence needed during recovery will not flourish.

6. Family support.

Participation by loved ones increases the chance a patient will remain in recovery treatment and remain on the path of recovery. Engagement of the patient’s family in their path to recovery is vital to the patient’s success.

7. Evidence-Based Practices like MATPlus®

MATPlus® is a combination of behavioral counseling with medication. Addiction treatment over the past 50 years shows evidence that to have productive, long-term positive outcomes treatments must combine medication with other services like medical, behavioral, individual, and group counseling.

8. Personalize approach.

A team of multi-disciplinary staff from medical doctors, behavioral therapy counselors, and spirituality address a broad array of patient needs that help aid in the recovery process. This means staff hold degrees, licensing, and credentials in their field of specialty.

9. Qualified staff.

A team of multi-disciplinary staff from medical doctors, behavioral therapy counselors, and trained staff address a broad array of patient needs that help aid in the recovery process. This means staff hold degrees, licensing, and credentials in their field of specialty. And a team of qualified staff supports them and the day-to-day operations of the facility.

10. Nationally accredited staff and facilities.

Accreditation from external regulatory organizations and state-required licenses. These licensing and accreditation requirements serve as quality assurance that the treatment program is incorporating a certain level of evidence-based care in its model and is open to random audits of its clinical care.

Whether you or a loved one is looking for the right treatment to help, our MAT PLUS® program provides a custom substance use treatment plan for your needs.
Call Today 1-844-728-4929 or find a location nearest you

What to look for in an addiction recovery center

madison banner

Choosing The Right Recovery Center

Choosing the best rehabilitation center for you is a difficult but important first step towards getting the treatment you need. Treatment for addiction and dependency is a very personal experience. A treatment center that is successful for one person may not be the right fit for another person. Researching your choices in rehabilitation facilities and examining your own needs will take some time and effort, but the results of making an informed decision on where to receive treatment can make all the difference for a successful recovery.

 Scientific and evidence-based research is improving the rehabilitation models of today. They are diverse and continue to evolve and do not fit neatly into categories, yet it is mostly divided into 2 main types; Inpatient rehabilitation centers and Outpatient rehabilitation centers. Most inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation centers take the first step of detoxification through medically managed withdrawal, better known today as medicated-assisted treatment (MAT). The process of detoxification is difficult and there are potentially dangerous side effects associated with it. It is best for this process to be administered by a physician. Right alongside these undeniable physiological side effects that come with detoxification are the behavioral, social and physiological problems that are associated with addiction and must be addressed to produce lasting results for recovery. Inpatient treatment centers often focus heavily on the behavioral component of recovery. They often have structured environments and due to their easy access to the patient it allows for this area of recovery to be thorough and educational in terms of self- help. Unfortunately, many people with careers or parents of young children cannot make sense of an inpatient treatment center and therefore an outpatient setting is a better option. Outpatient treatment centers can offer the same medically assisted treatment needed for a safe detoxification process and may also offer a behavior component as well and it is important to look for one that offers both.

Credentials and Specializations

When you’re recovering from opioid addiction, you want help from experts that can give you the best possible care. You want professional support through your recovery. Researching the credentials of a facility and its staff is essential to choosing a reputable rehabilitation facility. Make sure the facility you choose is state-licensed and highly rated.

While many facilities will have a variety of programs to assist with different dependency disorders, there are facilities that will have certain substance abuse treatment programs that may suit your specific needs better.

You should also examine the facility’s philosophies and mission statement to learn about their approach to rehabilitation, their beliefs and their goals as a medical facility. You will find that the philosophies behind every drug rehabilitation facility are different. There are facilities that focus on medicine, facilities that focus on religion, facilities that focus on community building and more. Understanding these differences and how they align with your personal plans for rehabilitation will take careful consideration.

Examining Your Goals and Needs

Every patient recovering from opioid addiction or dependency has different rehabilitation and therapy needs. There is no ‘perfect fit’ program that will help every patient. Some patients prefer a 12-step program. Some patients need long-term inpatient care to safely cope with health issues and the effects of detox. Some patients need a focus on group support. Some patients need their therapy to be private.

Remember: It is always okay to ask questions when speaking with a facility’s staff.

Location and Price

The cost will be a big deciding factor in choosing your rehabilitation facility. Not all facilities and programs are covered by insurance. You will have to look into the details of your insurance plan to see what qualifiers they have in place for people in need of substance abuse treatment. You will have to pay out of pocket if your insurance doesn’t cover treatment or you don’t have insurance.

The location will also be essential. Some people benefit from being at a facility close to their personal support system. Other patients thrive in an environment far removed from potential enablers and the temptations that exist in their day to day lives. This is a personal decision, relying on weighing the benefits and setbacks of your facility options.

Pathway Healthcare is an addiction recovery office that focuses on combining out-patient medicated addiction treatment with therapy to create a comprehensive treatment plan. By providing care in a welcoming, no-judgement environment, we hope to reduce harm and help individuals struggling with substance dependency to live happier healthier lives. To find out more about Pathway Healthcare’s treatment programs and how they could work for you, contact us today and talk to one of our staff members for more information.

What Is the Cost of Addiction Treatment?

Cost of Addiction Treatment

Problematic use of alcohol or other drugs results in adverse health consequences and serious social concerns. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of persons with substance use disorders seek treatment. Addiction treatment costs depend on several factors, and it is critical to know the type and severity of addiction illness in order to access suitable treatment services.

Substance use in the US remains widespread, costing the nation over $600 billion every year. For this reason, the government has provided financial and technical support to community and social organizations to provide addiction treatment. For the addicted person, seeking treatment provides a pathway to long term recovery and wellness; at the societal level, a comprehensive and robust treatment system can reduce the devastating impact addiction has on society. Even so, many persons caught in the throes of addiction avoid seeking treatment, due in part to the stigma, the shame, and the myths they may hear or read in the media. This article offers a clear understanding of the cost of addiction treatment.

Types of Addiction Treatment and Costs

Many factors affect the cost of addiction treatment. The type of health care offered by addiction treatment centers affects the cost. The type of facility, the amenities offered, and the specific treatment modalities provided will factor into the total price.

“Detox” – “Detoxification,” which is currently more formally referred to as “withdrawal management,” is generally only necessary for certain people with addictions to certain drugs, like alcohol, benzodiazepines, and in some cases, opioids. In outpatient treatment centers, patients may spend about $1,500 for withdrawal management services. Most inpatient centers include withdrawal management in the treatment plan, and therefore, in the quoted price for services. The estimates depend on the substance in question and the complications that may be encountered during the withdrawal management.

Inpatient/Residential – Patients who require treatment in inpatient treatment facilities may pay as little as $6,000 for a month-long treatment program. More luxurious, or more comprehensive inpatient treatment centers may provide addiction care services ranging from $20,000 – $80,000 for a 30-day treatment program. Other patients may require 60- or 90-day programs, which may cost from $12,000 at the lower end to over $150,000 at the most luxurious end of the spectrum.

Outpatient – Outpatient services are the final common pathway for the treatment of patients with addiction disorders, given that addiction illness is a chronic, potentially recurrent illness that can be treated and controlled but not usually “cured,” and therefore requires ongoing chronic care management for most people. After patients receive withdrawal management services and inpatient treatment (if those modalities are necessary), then outpatient treatment is necessary. For around $1,500 a patient may be treated within a 90-day plan, at least for a start. In general, outpatient treatment cost depends on the frequency of visits and the treatment period.

Why Consider Outpatient Rehab Options?

An advantage of seeking outpatient addiction care is that patients have the chance to get treatment and still carry on with their daily activities. Many outpatient facilities hold occasional meetings to provide support to recovering patients.  Additionally, most treatment centers providing outpatient addiction treatment have twelve-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), which brings together recovering people in a setting where they share their experiences and support each other’s efforts to maintain a sober life.

Does My Insurance Affect Addiction Treatment Cost?

As of 2020, medical insurance also covers addiction treatment costs, since addiction has finally been recognized as a medical illness. Nonetheless, several variables come into play. It is essential to take time and understand the terms of insurance policies in order to know whether and how much it covers treatment for addiction disorders.

Unfortunately, most insurance carriers, even to this day, cover only a fraction of addiction treatment expenses. To understand the coverage that is available, people need to contact their insurance company and ask questions. An insurance agent should be able to quote the extent of addiction treatment coverage, including the duration of coverage, and the amount of any co-pay (the cost you’ll have to pay).

For more information regarding substance use disorders and treatment costs, please check out our blog, or call us at 844-728-4929.

The Crippling Stigma of Drug Addiction

young woman dealing with addiction

“In other words: We don’t accept her kind. In a health-care setting, the problem with stigma associated with drug addiction isn’t just that it hurts people’s feelings, or that it is shaming, or that it is unjust — though all of these things are true. The problem with stigma is that patients dealing with drug addiction get much, much worse care.”

Just the words ‘drug addiction’ flash an image across the mind. But is this image you see the only reality? What if the colleague sitting next to you for 8 hours a day whose great at their job, or the friend you’re having dinner with tonight or even your yoga teacher admitted the same addiction; would that change the way you currently see them? Would they all of a sudden become a ‘bad guy’?

Not only are these questions important for one to ask of themselves but also important questions for our healthcare systems.

Dr. Jessica Gregg, sheds light on our preconceived stigmas and associations with drug addiction and dependence when she writes, “It announces itself with, “Well, you did this to yourself.” As if patients with tobacco-ravaged lungs, or with complications from diabetes, or clogged arteries, or broken legs from driving too fast didn’t also contribute to their hospitalizations.”

We all know that there is a certain understanding from the medical community for tobacco-ravaged lungs, diabetes, clogged arteries and broken limbs. If you check in with any of these conditions healthcare is readily available. Your treated well, insurance covers most of your treatment and, while behavior is addressed, patients are not shunned. However, this isn’t always the case with those in recovery or seeking recovery from drug addiction and dependence; even though we know the evidence is there that they are suffering from a disease of the brain that needs to be treated just like any other chronic illness.

At Pathway Healthcare, our patients matter. They belong. They not only receive the very best evidence-based medical treatment available but also the emotional support they will need to carry on through their pathway to recovery. If you or someone you love is in need of care for dependence or addiction contact us today.